How to set up an alarm system for Thinkpad laptops, using the laptop's accelerometer, hdaps and python with a KDE desktop

This script was originally written by Janitha Karunaratne. I have simply adapted it for Kubuntu (KDE in fact), as the script was initially working with Gnome. See a demo video of Janitha's script.

Install hdaps

First you need to install hdaps, the Linux driver for monitoring the accelerometer known as IBM Active Protection System.

With ubuntu, it is rather easy. Note that from Hardy, there is another version of hdaps, using tp_smapi.

Install the packages:

sudo apt-get install hdaps-utils hdapsd

Load the module into the kernel:

sudo modprobe hdaps

Test is everything is working:


If yes, then add hdaps in /etc/modules.

sudo vi /etc/modules

The script

Start this script when you want to lock your screen and activate the anti-theft alarm. Once armed, try to tilt the laptop. A sound will be played as you tilt it, and will become louder as you tilt it even more. Eventually, you will tilt it so much that the alarm sound will go on. The only way to stop the alarm sound is to log in.

Note that you need to edit the start of the script to put your own sound files. I use play, part of SoX to play the WAV files.

Download the script here, or get it below:


# Janitha's Thinkpad Anti Theft Script
# janitha at janitha dot com
# modified for KDE support by Colin Verot

import fileinput
import os
import time
import sys

hdaps = "/sys/devices/platform/hdaps/position"
threshold_alert = 10
threshold_alarm = 50

sound_armed = "~/scripts/antitheft/armed.wav"
sound_alert = "~/scripts/antitheft/alert.wav"
sound_alarm = "~/scripts/antitheft/alarm.wav"


os.system("/usr/bin/kdesktop_lock --forcelock &")
os.system("play " + sound_armed + "  2> /dev/null")

file = open(hdaps)
value = file.readline()
bx = int(value.partition("(")[2].partition(",")[0])
by = int(value.partition(",")[2].partition(")")[0])
print bx
print by
x = bx
y = by

while x > bx-threshold_alarm and x < bx+threshold_alarm and y > by-threshold_alarm and y < by+threshold_alarm:

    # Read HDAPS values
    file = open(hdaps)
    value = file.readline()
    x = int(value.partition("(")[2].partition(",")[0])
    y = int(value.partition(",")[2].partition(")")[0])

    if x < bx-threshold_alert or x > bx+threshold_alert or y < by-threshold_alert or y > by+threshold_alert:
        diff = abs(bx-x) + abs(by-y)
        gain_diff = (int((diff*100.0) / (threshold_alarm))*2) / 20 - 1
        print "alert",gain_diff
        cmd = "play" + " --volume " + `gain_diff` + " " + sound_alert + "  2> /dev/null"

    if ''.join(os.popen('ps aux').readlines()).find('kdesktop_lock') < 0:

while 1:

    if ''.join(os.popen('ps aux').readlines()).find('kdesktop_lock') < 0:

    print "Alarm!"
    os.system("play " + " --volume 3 " + sound_alarm + "  2> /dev/null")