class.upload.php news
Release of 0.26RC1 for Flash uploaders
I have released a test version 0.26RC1, which should work with Flash uploaders.
You can get it here.
However, I think it creates a security hole as it makes the class to rely on the file extension when the MIME type is application/octet-stream, thus enabling an attacker to upload a malicious file with an image extension.
I will do some further checking, and may do some more groundwork to allow Flash, open_basedir and MIME type detection play well together, while making sure it is all secured.
You can check the relevant forum thread.
2008 update
I want to thank you all for making class.upload.php such a popular script.
It is an honor for me to receive so many visits on my site, so many downloads on this site and other PHP sites, such an active forum, etc...
It is also an honor to see the script so wonderfully rated all over the place:
- 4.77/5 at Hotscripts
- 8.67/10 at Freshmeat
- and always in the top 10 at PHPClasses, number one this month!
2008 will see new releases of the script (0.26 is coming soon), and it will be actively maintained. I also plan to introduce major changes, that I keep under wraps for the time being.
Thank you all again.
class.upload.php version 0.25 released
I am pleased to announce the release of the version 0.25 of the script class.upload.php. It is a major update, with a substantial rewrite of the image manipulation code, internationalization, and a wide range of new features and improvements.
Support for transparency and true color images has been greatly enhanced. The class now sports a great number of new features: support for BMP files, file information available before calling process(), more checks on upload, especially for images, direct output of the file or image to the browser. And last but not least, the class is now fully internationalized, and English, French and Dutch translations are provided!
Version 0.25 Release Candidate 1 is released
I am pleased to release the version 0.25, as a Release Candidate. It sports a lot of new features, as well as an extensive rewriting of the image manipulation code. It should now work like a charm with transparent images. Get it here.
Feel free to download it, and test it. If you see anything which doesn't work, please send me some feedback, and I will fix it for the proper release. read more...
New version 0.25 coming soon!
I am completing a new release, 0.25, that I hope to publish soon.
It has many new features, and stronger support for transparent images.
Here is a non-exhaustive changelog:
- more flexibility for the MIME types (wildcards, list of allowed and forbidden MIME types)
- read and write support for BMP images
- more pre-processing checks if the uploaded file is an image
- the class provides information about the image right after the upload, and before calling process()
- added some resizing options to match a set number of pixels
- transparent images are now automatically detected, and transparent PNG are in True Color
- general improvements for transparent images
- and a lot of bug fixes and small features
And also, thank you for rating the class. I am again in the top 10 on PHPClasses.
class.upload.php version 0.24 released
I am pleased to announce the release of the version 0.24 of the script class.upload.php. read more...
New version 0.24 coming out soon!
A new release of the class is in the pipeline. Some new settings, such as image_ratio_fill, possibility to set a background color, use replacement tokens in text labels, and some other improvements. Stay tuned...
class.upload.php version 0.23 released
I am pleased to announce the release of the version 0.23 of the script class.upload.php, which essentially fixes a bug introduced in version 0.22. Multiple processing of one single uploaded file is restored, and now works in open_basedir restricted conditions by creating a temporary file. read more...
class.upload.php version 0.22 released
I am very pleased to announce the release of the version 0.22 of the script class.upload.php. It fixes all the bugs up to date, and brings in a few features.

The main one is the ability to create web 2.0 reflections. A lot more control has been added to the text controls, such as line breaks and it is now possible to use external fonts. The class is now fully able to circumvent open_basedir restrictions.
See for yourself, check out the samples!
class.upload.php version 0.21 released
I am very pleased to announce the release of the version 0.21 of the script class.upload.php. It fixes all the bugs up to date, and brings in a few features. For instance, it is now possible to resize an image, keeping its ratio, in order to have it to fill the specified thumbnail size, by cropping the excedent.
See for yourself, check out the samples!