class.upload.php news

class.upload.php version 0.34 released

utf8.pngI am pleased to announce the release of the version 0.34 of the script class.upload.php. Added support for UTF-8 text and TrueType fonts, added image_no_enlarging and image_no_shrinking, better handling of base64 input and error reporting and better file name sanitization  read more...

Support for UTF-8 and TrueType fonts

utf8.pngI have implemented support for UTF-8 text in class.upload.php, with imagettftext, using TrueType fonts (TTF). GDF fonts are still supported.

You can use any TTF font, and set any font size. You can also now display the text with an arbitrary angle. However, you cannot align multi-lines text (left, right, center).

class.upload.php version 0.33 released

transparency.pngI am pleased to announce the release of the version 0.33 of the script class.upload.php. Added support for PHP7, support for composer, auto-rotate image according to EXIF data, various improvements and support for more languages.  read more...

class.upload.php now on Github

The class.upload.php can now be installed via Composer, and is on Github!

Development version 0.33 available for testing

I am preparing the version 0.33. I have added a few features and fixed some bugs:

- added {@link image_dst_type}
- fixed filesize when using XMLHttpRequest
- added Hungarian translation
- fixed Turkish translation
- updated regex rules for MIME detection
- added composer.json

You can download version (0.33dev) here. Send feedback in!

Serbian translation

Zeljko Markovic has contributed a serbian translation.

class.upload.php version 0.32 released

pixelate.pngI am pleased to announce the release of the version 0.32 of the script class.upload.php, with support for XMLHttpRequest uploads, the ability to pixelate images, and many small fixes.  read more...

Development version 0.32 available for testing

I am preparing the version 0.32. I have added a few features and fixed some bugs:

- add support for XMLHttpRequest uploads
- added image_pixelate
- added image_interlace
- added png_compression to change PNG compressoin level
- deactivate exec() if Suhosin is enabled
- add more extension to dangerous scripts detection
- imagejpeg takes null as second argument since PHP 5.4
- default PECL Fileinfo MAGIC path to null
- fixed file name normalization

You can download version (0.32dev) here. Send feedback in!

class.upload.php version 0.31 released

transparency.pngI am pleased to announce the release of the version 0.31 of the script class.upload.php. Several transparency options have been added, as well as better handling of dangerous files and extensions.  read more...

class.upload.php version 0.30 released

unsharp maskI am pleased to announce the release of the version 0.30 of the script class.upload.php. An unsharp mask has been implemented, transparent watermarks are dealt with better, and it is now possible to resize the watermark depending on the picture.  read more...

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