class.upload.php version 0.22 released
I am very pleased to announce the release of the version 0.22 of the script class.upload.php. It fixes all the bugs up to date, and brings in a few features.
The main one is the ability to create web 2.0 reflections. A lot more control has been added to the text controls, such as line breaks and it is now possible to use external fonts. The class is now fully able to circumvent open_basedir restrictions.
See for yourself, check out the samples!
Version 0.22 changelog
- added automatic creation of a temporary file if the upload directory is not within open_basedir
- fixed a bug which was preventing to work on a local file by overwriting it with its processed copy
- added MIME types video/x-ms-wmv and image/x-png and fixed PNG support for IE weird MIME types
- modified image_ratio_crop so it can accept one or more from string 'TBLR', determining which side of the image is kept while cropping
- added support for multiple lines in the text, using "\n" as a line break
- added image_text_line_spacing which allow to set the space between several lines of text
- added image_text_alignment which allow to set the alignment when text has several lines
- image_text_font can now be set to the path of a GDF font to load external fonts
- added image_reflection_height to create a reflection of the source image, which height is in pixels or percentage
- added image_reflection_space to set the space in pixels between the source image and the reflection
- added image_reflection_color to set the reflection background color
- added image_reflection_opacity to set the initial level of opacity of the reflection