Resize to megapixels

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Re: Resize to megapixels new!
by colin, 17 years, 8 months ago
Yes, please send me any code you do, regardless of the quality :)

As for the settings, it looks to me that aspect_crop and aspect_fill won't be needed, since it will size up the picture to a number of pixel, conserving the ratio. But it won't actually have to crop or fill anything since you want to keep the original ratio.

Wouldn't it be more a case for a new setting such as image_ratio_pixels, which would be an integer (the number of pixels)? That setting will resize the picture, conserving ratio, but increasing or reducing the dimensions so that the number of pixels is (approximatively) met.Reply
Re: Resize to megapixels new!
by Carl Johan, 17 years, 8 months ago
Yup, the crop/fill values would only be needed if you wanted to restrict the aspect, so you don't get extremely wide/high results.

Actually it should probably be called a "resize to area", right? since the area of a rectangle is height*width.Reply
Re: Resize to megapixels new!
by Carl Johan, 17 years, 8 months ago
I just did it and it's really not alot of code. Something like this:

$foo = new Upload($_FILES['imgfile'])

$toArea = (640*480);
$fromSize = getimagesize($_FILES['imgfile']['tmp_name']);
$fromArea = $fromSize[0] * $fromSize[1];
$areaDiff = sqrt($toArea / $fromArea);

$foo->image_x = round($fromSize[0] * $areaDiff);
$foo->image_y = round($fromSize[1] * $areaDiff);
$foo->image_resize = true;


sqrt does the trick!Reply
Re: Resize to megapixels new!
by colin, 17 years, 8 months ago
Thanks, I will look into that. Running a bit out of time at the moment, but I hope to be able to release something during next week.

Thanks for the contribution.Reply