Re: resize error

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Re: resize error new!
by İhsan, 4 years, 4 months ago
where is the log produced by class.upload classReply
Re: resize error new!
by colin, 4 years, 4 months ago
Re: resize error log file new!
by ihsan, 4 years, 4 months ago
system information
- class version : 0.32
- operating system : Linux
- PHP version : 7.3.14-1~deb10u1
- GD version : 2.2.5
- supported image types : png jpg gif bmp
- open_basedir : no restriction
- upload_max_filesize : 20M (20971520 bytes)
- language : tr_TR
source is an uploaded file
- upload OK
- file name OK
determining MIME type
- Checking MIME type with Fileinfo PECL extension
MAGIC path will not be used
MIME type detected as image/jpeg; charset=binary by Fileinfo PECL extension
- MIME validated as image/jpeg;
source variables
- You can use all these before calling process()
file_src_name : girl-7.jpg
file_src_name_body : girl-7
file_src_name_ext : jpg
file_src_pathname : /tmp/phpSQ2YyN
file_src_mime : image/jpeg;
file_src_size : 27753 (max= 20971520)
file_src_error : 0
process file to ../yemek/
- file size OK
- file mime OK : image/jpeg;
- file name safe format
- destination variables
file_dst_path : ../yemek/
file_dst_name_body : girl-7
file_dst_name_ext : jpg
- no auto_rename if same filename exists
- destination file details
file_dst_name : girl-7.jpg
file_dst_pathname : ../yemek/girl-7.jpg
- no overwrite checking
- no image processing wanted
- process OK
process file to ../yemek/kck/
- file size OK
- file mime OK : image/jpeg;
- file name safe format
- destination variables
file_dst_path : ../yemek/kck/
file_dst_name_body : girl-7
file_dst_name_ext : jpg
- no auto_rename if same filename exists
- destination file details
file_dst_name : girl-7.jpg
file_dst_pathname : ../yemek/kck/girl-7.jpg
- no overwrite checking
- no image processing wanted
- process OK
- delete temp file /tmp/phpSQ2YyNReply
Re: resize error log file new!
by colin, 4 years, 4 months ago
There is something strange... Basically, the MIME is detected, and validated as image/jpeg; (note the semi-colon at the end). But because it has the semi-colon at the end, it is not recognized as an image MIME type, thus disabling image processing.

But the regex shouldn't return the semi-colon, see

I also see that you are not using the latest version of the class. Please try again with the latest release, or the master branch.Reply