Webp file compression does not work

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Webp file compression does not work new!
by Andres Sepcid, 5 years, 5 months ago
Hello everyone.
I am leaving this message because I finally managed to run the new version of class.upload, unfortunately the compression of webp files is not working for me.
At first I tried an 80 and started to download until I reached 10. The file is always the same size. The original file weighs 793Kb and the result in webp always ends up being 224Kb. Quite strange, because the closer I get to zero the final result should be a smaller file.
The image quality remains the same, has not undergone any variation. At least it should be seen with lower quality but no way.
Let's see if someone can lend me a hand and explain what is happening.
I leave a piece of the code so they can see if something is wrong or is not compatible with the use of webp.

$image->file_new_name_body = md5($_FILES["img2"]["name"].$modified);
$image->image_resize = true;
$image->image_ratio_crop = true;
$image->image_x = $ini[1];
$image->image_y = $ini[2];
$image->image_convert = 'webp';
$image->webp_quality = 10;
$image->file_overwrite = true;
$imgupload = $image->file_dst_name;

Thank you.Reply