Unable to resize with apple i phone x and one plus five

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Unable to resize with apple i phone x and one plus five new!
by Guddu, 7 years ago
working like charm with normal upload . Thanks for great code. but unable to resize uploads from Apple i phone x and one plus five.Reply
Re: Unable to resize with apple i phone x and one plus five new!
by colin, 7 years ago
You need to provide more information. What is your code? What is the problem? What are the logs produced by the class?Reply
Re: Unable to resize with apple i phone x and one plus five new!
by Guddu, 7 years ago
$handle->image_resize = true;
$handle->image_x = 1170;
$handle->image_ratio_y = true;
$handle->image_no_enlarging = true;Reply
Re: Unable to resize with apple i phone x and one plus five new!
by colin, 7 years ago
As I said, you need to explain what is not working. What do you expect, and what do you get?

And also, please copy here the logs produced by the class, I cannot do anything without the logs.Reply
Re: Unable to resize with apple i phone x and one plus five new!
by Guddu, 7 years ago
with above code i am able to upload from other android mobile devices with different dimensional (3968 × 2976) images ,but specifically unable to upload big images with dimension 3024 x 4032 from i phone x and one plus 5Reply
Re: Unable to resize with apple i phone x and one plus five new!
by Guddu, 7 years ago
1. unfortunately log is producing during successful uploads but not producing during unsuccessful uploads.Reply
Re: Unable to resize with apple i phone x and one plus five new!
by colin, 7 years ago
You are probably running out of memory, so the PHP stack crashes. Check you web server log.Reply
Re: Unable to resize with apple i phone x and one plus five new!
by Guddu, 7 years ago
but on the same time images normally uploading from different resources with mentioned dimensions. (3968 × 2976)
one more thing after trimming images from i phone x uploaded successfully.Reply
Re: Unable to resize with apple i phone x and one plus five new!
by Guddu, 7 years ago
one more thing same image from i phone x and one plus five uploading properly with other uploading codes.Reply