Destination directory can't be created. Can't carry on a process

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Re: Destination directory can't be created. Can't carry on a process new!
by Dariusz Andryskowski, 12 years, 9 months ago
Probably entered the wrong path on the ftp to the project directory. Try to enter in index.php

echo dirname (dirname (__FILE__));

You will see the path of this type, eg: / home / name_ftp / public_html / your_project /

You can then save to a variable parameter received
$ name_ftp_root = "insert the path directory that appears when you saw the result of an echo";

then you create another parameter telling the directory where you saved your picture
$ folder = '/ images / pets /';
$ tmp_dir_path_photo = $ name_ftp_root. $ folder; // - The path to the root project directory ftp +  path to the directory where the images will zaps

... // Code with support for formatting the uploaded pictures
$ img_photo-> Process ($ tmp_dir_path_photo);
if ($ img_photo-> processed)
$ file_photo_name = $ tmp_img_foto-> file_dst_name;
echo 'error:'. $ tmp_img_foto-> error;