Changing image details when resizing.

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Re: Changing image details when resizing. new!
by colin, 14 years, 8 months ago
Your screen is 72 DPI. When you open the file in Photoshop, I guess it reads the DPI in the picture, and scales it accordingly on the screen. But regardless of the DPI, your image is nothing more than a set of pixels. The number of pixels is height x width.

If your image is 200x100 pixels on your 72 DPI screen. it will display at 2.77x1.38 inches picture on the screen. If you print it, and the printer is 300DPI, then it will print as a 0.66x033 inches picture.

Now, if you want your image to be 2.77x1.38 inches on the paper, with a 300 DPI printer... I suppose that Photoshop can display the image also as a 2.77x1.38 inches picture on the screen, but, at 300DPI it in fact scales it down. The actual resolution of the image is (2.77*300)x(1;38*300) or 833x416.

When you resize your picture with the class, and if you want to aim for a a particular dimension at a particular DPI, then change the dimensions in pixels accordingly.Reply