Problem with rezising images ...

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Hmmm.... new!
by DaveW, 16 years, 3 months ago

I'd have thought you should crop first, THEN resize the image!! I'm trying to do the same thing at the moment, but it's not working properly for me at all, I only came on to see if there was an answer to the issue!!!


Re: Hmmm.... new!
by DaveW, 16 years, 3 months ago
That said....

I've just downloaded the new version, anc exactly the same problem.

This is my code....
$t = CCGetParam("top") ;
$l = CCGetParam("left") ;
$h = CCGetParam("height") ;
$w = CCGetParam("width") ;
$rh = CCGetParam("reqh") ;
$rw = CCGetParam("reqw") ;

$b = $handle->image_src_y - ($t + $h) ;
$r = $handle->image_src_x - ($l + $w) ;

$handle->image_crop 	= array($t, $r, $b, $l);
$handle->image_resize          = true;
$handle->image_y	       = $rh;
$handle->image_x               = $rw;
$handle->image_convert         = 'jpg';
$handle->jpeg_quality          = 80;

$handle->Process('../tmp/') ;

If I comment out the resize, the crop works fine (and as expected)

If I comment out the crop, the resize works as expected!

Together, I get a jpeg image of 1x1


Please helpReply