file not uploaded to the wanted location

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Re: file not uploaded to the wanted location new!
by colin, 18 years ago
What your hosting company says is right, however you can still read the file from the temp directory, or so I believe. I understand the problem that you have, but I never experienced it. I heard that the same behaviour occurs in a chroot situation.

The code which makes problem is the following:
if ($this->processed && !file_exists($this->file_src_pathname)) {
  $this->processed = false;
  $this->error = _("No source file. Can't carry on a process");

As far as I know, that code should be OK, since you should be able to have PHP to check if the file exists, before you copy it (even with move_uploaded_file()). I will do some checks tonight if I get a bit of time.

Otherwise, the solution would be to modify the class so that the uplaoded file is first copied in a temporary directory on which you have full access. I meant to do that for the chroot people anyway, but it's a fairly big change, and also you need to set up a temp directory. This is annoying since most problem will not actually need it.

I will see, and get back to you.Reply