Reply to image resizing issue

image resizing issue new!
by Daniel Newns, 15 years, 2 months ago
hi all
im currently having trouble with the image resizing, im running it locally on my macbook pro, snow leapord im using the .28 version of the class, my code looks like the following

$foo->mime_file = false;
$foo->mime_fileinfo = false;
$foo->mime_magic = false;
$foo->file_safe_name = true;
$foo->file_overwrite  = false;
$foo->file_auto_rename  = true;
$foo->image_resize = true;
$foo->jpeg_quality = 90;
$foo->image_x = $imageConfig['sidebar_thumb']['x'];
$foo->image_y = $imageConfig['sidebar_thumb']['y'];

the log for this looks like below

system information
- class version : 0.28
- GD version : 2.0.34
- supported image types : png jpg gif bmp
- open_basedir : no restriction
- language : en_GB
source is an uploaded file
- upload OK
- file name OK
determining MIME type
- Checking MIME type with Fileinfo PECL extension
MAGIC path defaults to /usr/share/file/magic
MIME type detected as image/jpeg; charset=binary by Fileinfo PECL extension
source variables
- You can use all these before calling process()
file_src_name : Desert Landscape.jpg
file_src_name_body : Desert Landscape
file_src_name_ext : jpg
file_src_pathname : /private/var/tmp/phpPGiCGH
file_src_mime : image/jpeg; charset=binary
file_src_size : 228863 (max= 16777216)
file_src_error : 0
process file to /Users/didgy58/Dropbox/Public/pandb/side_bars/thumbs/
- file size OK
- file mime OK : image/jpeg; charset=binary
- file name safe format
- destination variables
file_dst_path : /Users/didgy58/Dropbox/Public/pandb/side_bars/thumbs/
file_dst_name_body : Desert_Landscape
file_dst_name_ext : jpg
- no image operation, keep extension
- checking for auto_rename
auto_rename to Desert_Landscape_1.jpg
- destination file details
file_dst_name : Desert_Landscape_1.jpg
file_dst_pathname : /Users/didgy58/Dropbox/Public/pandb/side_bars/thumbs/Desert_Landscape_1.jpg
- Desert_Landscape_1.jpg doesn't exist already
- no image processing wanted
- process OK

im sure its finding the right file type as other people have pointed out, but im not sure whats wrong and why it isnt actually resizing the image as i would like it to do.

thanks again


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